Do you ever feel as if life is unfair? If you ruled the world, what would you change?

I wonder if hippos ever complain that God was a little unfair to them during the whole creation process? Yep, I was thinking this week about hippos, not hippies. I would make a ‘Baptist Bet’ you have not been thinking a lot about hippos this week.

Now my definition of a ‘Baptist Bet’ is an explanation of the extra casino charge you wanted to be marked gratuity, not gambling losses, since you just went there for the good food.

The strange hippo-happy subject occupying my thoughts was generated by a picture of a hippopotamus sent to me years ago by Lauren Semmes. It remains a favorite.

Does the hippo worry why things are not different in his life?

Does the hippopotamus hate it when his picture is posted on social media? Surely, he watches Wild Kingdom. I worry about the hippo’s self-esteem.

Does the hippo ever look at a holiday picture and bemoan its ugliness when standing next to a peacock adorned with those beautiful, colored feathers?

Does the hippo see the Facebook picture of Bambi, the deer, and get depressed over his need to lose some weight? Or does this solitary stick in the mud battle jealousy over the flight of a bird enjoying time with a flock of friends?

After an unhealthy stint observing social media, I imagine the hippo gazes back at his cousin, the hog, and dishes some dirt, “Sorry, little pig squirt, I wish things were different. But take heart, little buddy. We might be stupid, but some human scientists discovered that hippo sweat is a very effective sunscreen. However, their marketing strategy needs a little tweaking. Get a great tan at the beach. Look like a hippo.”

God has something to say about hippos in His #1 Textbook. It should not be a surprise that God designed the hippopotamus to teach us a lesson about life.

Have you ever wondered what if things were different in your life? Do you ever feel as if life is unfair?

Sure, you have. It might have resulted from the loss of a loved one, a health diagnosis, financial setbacks, emotional stress, a messed-up relationship.

What if you ruled and controlled your world? Do you believe your circumstances would be happier, healthier, easier, and wealthier?

Let’s just say what we really think about but are afraid to voice out loud. What if you were God of your life, if only for a day? What would you do differently?

What would you command everyone to do and say to make your life better?

God asked that question of Job, the man who suffered the most in this life, except for Jesus.

What would you do differently if you were the Almighty God of this universe?

Just a quick refresher of Job’s story. He trusted God. God blessed him greatly. In the heavenly world, God praised the faith of Job. The great adversary, Satan, challenged the validity of Job’s faith as well as the genuineness of God’s goodness.

Satan declared that Job only pretended to trust God because of its benefits. He also accused God’s pretense of goodness was just a bribe to get people to worship Him.

God allowed those fallacies to be challenged.

Unaware of events going on in heaven, Job’s earthly life fell apart. He lost everything in one day. His family. His possessions. His health. His reputation.

Surely, he wished things had turned out differently. This was not how he expected God to rule his life. He doubted himself and questioned God.

Is everything God does always right, wise, good? Is Job’s faith real? Is yours?

The #1 Textbook is clear that all these things about Job and others were recorded to give us instruction for endurance and encouragement to hope in God’s goodness (Romans 15:4).

So, let us seek to learn something from God’s conversation with Job.

God knows Job is thinking God messed up his life.

God asks Job several hypothetical questions which could easily be directed to each one of us wanting to be God for a day.

Question 1:

“If you ruled the world, what would you tell God to do?”

What if you changed places with God? How different would your life become? What would you change if you were God for a day?

God says you and Job have been playing the part of faultfinder while God rules your world. If you could exchange roles, what would you tell God to do? (Job 40:2)

Question 2: “If you ruled the world, what would you do better than God?”

If you believe your way is right and God’s actions are wrong, what would you condemn, cancel, correct, and change? What would you do differently from what God considered to be wise, right, and good?  How would you make things the way you want them to be? (Job 40:8)

Okay, it’s time for you to answer. Next week, we will consider how God connects the hippo to our thoughts about wishing things were different.

Life is not easy because we live in a world of sin and selfishness and pride and wickedness.  I certainly do not know all you have to wrestle with or worry about or how you have been wronged. I am unaware of how much you have been hurt or how deep you are plunged into despair. Your life has not been easy; it might even feel unfair. But I sincerely doubt your unwanted circumstances match Job’s difficulties.

However, I will ask you the same question God posed to Job.

If you were Almighty God, what would you do differently? What would you do better than God? If you ruled the world, what kind of God would you be? What would you do differently so as not to do anything wrong or unfair or unjust to anyone?

God is listening to your answer. Don’t you want to give God some guiding instructions? Isn’t that how you pray sometimes?

God is going to hang around, so just say what you are thinking.

Sit down with a picture of a hippopotamus and compare thoughts about what is unfair or wrong about this world in which you live. Write down your complaints and hand your requested changes to God.

I hope to be back for your summary. I’ll give you a week to talk it over privately with God.

More thoughts to come. God has a few more questions for those of us ready to rule our world.

Until then, make your “if I ruled the world” list. And be thankful God did not create you to be a hippopotamus.

You could look like a lumbering lump of fat.  Walking blubber with short, stocky, strong legs.  A long snout, big bulging eyes, and sharp teeth are complemented by a relatively short curly tail. Bellow loudly when displeased and ready to fight when irritated.

You would spend most of the night eating and most of the day sleeping. Essentially, worthless and useless, but stubbornly thick-skinned.

Just big, ugly, stupid, and somewhat pathetically amusing.

Hey, wait. That sounds like a description of me!

No comments, please. Just make your list.

Hope to join you for some hippo-happiness next week.

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