WHAT MEN HATE TO HEAR WOMEN SAY (Interactive game included)


I recently came across a Reddit blog on the subject: Phrases men hate hearing from women. Apparently, it touched a nerve as well as the funny bone. The comments were as hilarious as they were diverse. Many responses from the readers became rants…from both men and women.

I suspect these phrases transcend all linguistic, cultural, national, and geographical distinctions.

I decided to list my version of the Top Twenty hated phrases I heard a woman say somewhere.

Suggestion: Turn this into an interactive game. There are three parts to the game. Here are the rules and scorekeeping. (I listed some rules because I know some women who insist on reading the rules first even if it is a game of checkers. I know some guys who make up their own rules during the game and I know persons from both sexes who cheat on the score.)

Part One NAME the PHRASES men hate hearing from women from my personal Top Twenty list. No peeking. (1 point for each correct guess.)

Part Two SUGGEST the SCENARIO which might have caused the need for each PHRASE. (1 point for a good answer. 2 points for a situation in which you have said or heard the phrase. 3 points for creativity of a possible scenario where the phrase might be used in a mystery novel, Hallmark Christmas movie, or History Channel documentary.)

Part Three DESCRIBE the MAN’S UNSPOKEN THOUGHTS when he hears the hated phrase: (1 Point for a good answer. 3 points if your answer causes a smile. 5 points for an answer you think would go viral on the internet.)

Note: Scoring is on the Honor System like the game of Golf. You may also opt to play my personal version of Grace Golf which allows adjustments to your score via gimmee putts, close enough shots, mulligans, foot wedge out of sand traps, hit any ball found in the woods, kick back in bounds (maximum twenty yards), and “I’m going to act like you did not see that.”

This game is for entertainment purposes only. The game creator is not liable for any laughter or arguments.

When I heard the subject, What Men Hate to Hear Women Say, this is what came to my mind in the first eighty seconds, listed in no particular order.


PHRASE 1: We need to talk. (If this is on your list, 1 point)

Part Two Share a Scenario for “we need to talk.”

(Examples): *Husband walks into the house from work (1 point). *Woman just concludes phone call with her mother (2 points). *Woman reaches for the TV remote and turns off the ballgame of man’s favorite team (3 points).

Part Three Describe the Man’s Unspoken Anxious Thoughts when he hears “we need to talk.”

(Examples): *I should have gone to the bathroom earlier (1 point). *This is not going to end well (3 points). * Oh no, I did something wrong (5 points). *Can we wait until this show is over? (minus 2 points)

PHRASE 2: I don’t care. (If this is on your list, 1 point)

Part Two Share a Scenario for “I don’t care.”

(Examples): *Husband asked, “Where do you want to eat?” (1 point). *Man says, “I don’t feel good.” (2 points). *Man states he is thinking about leaving the relationship (3 points).

Part Three Describe the Man’s Unspoken Thoughts when he hears “I don’t care.”

(Examples): *I guess she does not care, so we will go to my favorite restaurant (Rookie blunder, minus 2 points). *I will just keep naming more diners and dives until she prefers one (Stupid mistake, 1 point). *This is a trap. Do not take the bait. (Veteran reaction, 5 points).

PHRASE 3: I said, I’m fine. (Continue to share answers and assign self-scoring points for Parts Two & Three of each correct Phrase.)

PHRASE 4: That is not going to happen. Maybe, never again.

PHRASE 5: Guess who is coming to dinner tonight. (Negative points for hurting your opponent’s feelings with answers for Parts Two and Three.)

PHRASE 6: I am not very hungry so I will just share some of what you order.

PHRASE 7: Is that all you think about?

PHRASE 8: You NEVER listen.

PHRASE 9: Never mind, I will just do it myself.

PHRASE 10: I’m not in the mood. You do not want to know what mood I am in. And for the record, I’ll tell you IF I am ever in that mood again. (Double Points)

PHRASE 11: Do you know what we need to do?

PHRASE 12: You are not going to like this, but…

PHRASE 13: What did you say? (She heard you but is giving you a chance to change your mind and your attitude.)

PHRASE 14: Now, what is that look for? (Time is up for changing your attitude. No points.)

PHRASE 15: Why? (Any variation of the question counts, such as: Why did you buy this? Why did you go this direction? Why didn’t you ask first?)

PHRASE 16: Is that really what you are wearing tonight?

PHRASE 17: Well, that was very disappointing.

PHRASE 18: None of this would have happened if you had listened to me. (Triple points)

PHRASE 19: Are you writing that in your post? If you are, that might be the last thing you do.


Signing off. I need to go. I don’t have time to finish the list.

Pray that your words will be kind and loving, especially if they might be your last words!


Kind words bring life, cruel words crush the spirit (Proverbs 15:4).

Careless words cut the soul; wise words can heal it (Proverbs 12:18).

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer (Psalm 19:14).


Postscript: Coming soon…Phrases women hate to hear men say

#1. “I forgot.


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