ME…ME…ME… is not a vocal warmup for singing nor the cry of a little child for her grandmother.

ME…ME…ME… is the protest shout of a self-centered, self-focused, self-pleasing life that is drowned out by the similar shouts of an entire culture.

Each of us carries this selfish DNA which manifests itself in the desire to control every circumstance and dictate the actions of every person to do what I want, when I want, and in the way I want. Our universe revolves around ME…ME…ME.

We live exclusively concerned about our own welfare and advantages in life with disregard how it negatively affects others.

Everything is about what I want, how I feel, how everyone and everything affects me. Do not get in my way. Do not slow me down. Do not disappoint me.

Give me. Give me. Give me.

The advertisements fuel my desires. “You deserve a break today.” Have it Your way.” “It starts with You.” “Because You’re worth it.” “What’s in Your wallet?”

Why do I deserve a break today? And that other person does not? People are just people.

Are you concerned excessively and exclusively about yourself? Most of us will not acknowledge that, but what is the truth? What would those on the witness stand testify?

Long ago, my children played the parts perfectly. Kala found her younger brother sitting in the corner of the kitchen enjoying a packet of M&Ms. Kala asked if she could have some.

Kyle shook his head, “No.” Kala begged with a “Pretty please.” Her brother defiantly shook his M&M mouth-filled head with a negative “ain’t no way” gesture.

Kala spoke softly, “Kyle, God says we are supposed to share.”

Kyle’s response became an instant and forever family classic. “Well, God did not tell me.”

That is the way most of us react. We might not say it, but we think it. We do not really care about others, at least not to the point of denying self what it wants.

We are all naturally self-centered. There is a preoccupation with self-status and success. Our culture only reinforces our cries to put yourself first and demand your rights.

In contrast, God’s #1 Textbook for life and happiness instructs us to place the interests and needs of others first. God even encourages us to be willing to give up our rights for the welfare of others (Romans 14:13-15).

The opposite of love is not hatred; it is selfishness. A selfish heart stirs up strife. It creates conflict.


(I strongly suspect that is true in your life as well. I am probably your biggest problem…but your ME…ME…ME… self-centeredness is right up there with ME.)

Self-centeredness never produces a happy life. On the contrary, God-centeredness is all about finding your true and lasting happiness in the welfare of others.

Love considers the welfare of others First and Most. Love first. Love most. It is the pathway to a happier life.

God examples and teaches us about the purpose and power of sharing our life and love with others. God demonstrates a love we are called to imitate.

And, yes, God tells YOU to share.

Where do you start?

The #1 Textbook reminds us that no one can fathom God’s greatness. Fathom is a nautical measurement term for depth. How deep is God’s greatness? It is beyond the deepest depth. One can never get to the bottom or the entirety of God’s greatness.

God’s glory is the extreme greatness of His goodness to us which is beyond all measurements of time and space. Unfathomable goodness. Unbounding goodness. Immeasurable goodness. Infinite goodness.

And what does God do with His unfathomable goodness? He shares with others. He gives it all away, and it will take an endless eternity for Him to show us the immeasurable, infinite extent of His goodness to us! (Ephesians 2:7)

Learn to live life God-centered, not self-centered. And, yes, that must be learned because we are all naturally selfish. Selfishness is a disease which permeates every cell of your body. Listen to its cry.


How do you live your God-given life? Is it all about “Me…Me…Me…?

Do you take the last piece of candy? Or the biggest slice of pie? Or the first place in line?

Each of us has a natural tendency to live as if we are the center of the universe…or at least our private universe. We look out for Number 1. Afterall, we have to get ahead or at least survive.

The famous preacher Charles Spurgeon once stated, “Selfishness is as foreign to Christ’s love as darkness to light.”

The love of Jesus lights up our darkened self-centered hearts.

Love others as you love yourself (#1 Textbook). Do you try to do the things which will make you happier? Sure you do.

Then make your ME…ME…ME… desire for happiness the measurement for seeking the same good and happiness for others.


I once visited a city where my host offered for me to drive his wife’s new Cadilac around town and use his new set of expensive golf clubs. The car had less than two hundred miles on the odometer and the golf clubs had never been used.

I was appreciative of his generosity, but not excited. In reality, I was scared. I know Me…Me…Me…It was guaranteed both the car and the clubs would be returned with scratches.

I told my new friend that I would feel more comfortable borrowing his older car and his used gold clubs. I have never forgotten his response.

“If God says to share with others, then why would we not share the very best we have?”

I have never driven a car more carefully and I have never driven golf balls more terribly than I did on that day. I limited the odometer addition to thirty miles and the golf-course damage to a half dozen lost golf balls.

Where do you learn to share your very best?

Follow Jesus and find happiness in helping others experience greater happiness. When His disciples engaged in one of their selfish arguments about who deserves to be first and best, Jesus reminded them, “If anyone seeks to be first, you must voluntarily put yourself last and act like a servant of everyone else” (Mark 9:33-35).

Jesus did not reserve His sharing to when a need arose. His love was not limited to a to-do list or an instance of charity.


Why not share the best of who you are and what you have with others? That is how God shares with us.

I am going to use a line from my good friend Jeff Segner who often told me, “I am just saying what you are thinking.”

I know you have heard and generally agree with this concept of sacrificial love as a better way to live than Me…Me…Me…, but this is what you are thinking as you devour your M&Ms lifestyle.

“Well, God did not tell me.”

Yes, Virginia, God did tell you. Listen and learn. It is for your ultimate good.

How does God change you? The #1 Textbook exhorts you to “Consider Christ.” Here is the key. Think about Jesus Christ, not self. “Count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (Philippians 3:8).

I love the gospel hymn best sung by George Beverly Shea, “I’d Rather Have Jesus than Anything.”

I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold;
I’d rather be His than have riches untold;
I’d rather have Jesus than houses or lands;
I’d rather be led by His nail-pierced hand

Than to be the king of a vast domain
Or be held in sin’s dread sway;
I’d rather have Jesus than anything
This world affords today.

I’d rather have Jesus than men’s applause;
I’d rather be faithful to His dear cause;
I’d rather have Jesus than worldwide fame;
I’d rather be true to His holy name

–Oscar Bernadotte, Rhea Miller

What would you most like to have in this life and throughout eternity?

Jesus says you can have His life and love. Loving others first and most is good in sports, marriage, business, and whatever universe you live.

Look for how much and how often you can share rather than how little and less.

Maybe start with a prayer for someone, followed by a text or note describing how special that person is to your life.

Make someone’s life better this week. Sing a little less Me…Me…Me…and a little more I’d Rather have Jesus than Anything.

Here is a closing suggestion and question for your meditation this week:

Suggestion: Let your mind and heart explore the unfathomable depths of the glory of God’s goodness to you in the past, present, and ages to come.

Question: Why not share the best of who you are and what you have with others?

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